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Manage Spaces


The IWarden precompile allows calling the x/warden module from EVM smart contracts.

This article explains how to use x/warden to manage Spaces. You'll learn how to call the corresponding functions of the precompile and interact with them after deploying your contract.

To understand how to set up and deploy your project, see Get started.


For an overview of x/warden functions, refer to Precompiles: x/warden

Create a new Space

To create a new Space, use the following code in your contract. It calls the newSpace() function of the precompile.

function newSpace(
uint64 approveAdminTemplateId,
uint64 rejectAdminTemplateId,
uint64 approveSignTemplateId,
uint64 rejectSignTemplateId,
address[] calldata additionalOwners
) external returns (uint64 id);

contract wardenSpace {
// The IWarden precompile address
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

// Create a new space with specified template IDs and additional owners
function createSpace(
uint64 approveAdminTemplateId,
uint64 rejectAdminTemplateId,
uint64 approveSignTemplateId,
uint64 rejectSignTemplateId,
address[] calldata additionalOwners
) external returns (uint64) {
return warden.newSpace(

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the createSpace() function:

cast send $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "createSpace(uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,address[])" 1 2 3 4 \[\] --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

Update a Space

To update a Space, use the following code in your contract. It calls the updateSpace() function of the precompile.

function updateSpace(
uint64 spaceId,
uint64 nonce,
uint64 approveAdminTemplateId,
uint64 rejectAdminTemplateId,
uint64 approveSignTemplateId,
uint64 rejectSignTemplateId,
uint64 actionTimeoutHeight,
string calldata expectedApproveExpression,
string calldata expectedRejectExpression
) external returns (bool success);

contract wardenSpace {
// The IWarden precompile address
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

// Add a new owner to a space
function addOwner(
uint64 spaceId,
address newOwner,
uint64 nonce,
uint64 actionTimeout,
string calldata approveExpression,
string calldata rejectExpression
) external returns (bool) {
return warden.addSpaceOwner(

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the updateSpace() function:

cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL "updateSpace(uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,string,string)" 1 0 100 101 102 103 100000 "" ""

Add a Space owner

To add an owner to a Space, use the following code in your contract. It calls the addSpaceOwner() function of the precompile.

function addSpaceOwner(
uint64 spaceId,
address newOwner,
uint64 nonce,
uint64 actionTimeoutHeight,
string calldata expectedApproveExpression,
string calldata expectedRejectExpression
) external returns (bool success);

contract wardenSpace {
// The IWarden precompile address
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the addOwner() function:

cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL "addSpaceOwner(uint64,address,uint64,uint64,string,string)" 1 0xYourNewOwnerAddress 0 100000 "" ""

Remove a Space owner

To remove an owner from a Space, use the following code in your contract. It calls the removeSpaceOwner() function of the precompile.

function removeSpaceOwner(
uint64 spaceId,
address owner,
uint64 nonce,
uint64 actionTimeoutHeight,
string calldata expectedApproveExpression,
string calldata expectedRejectExpression
) external returns (bool success);

contract wardenSpace {
// The IWarden precompile address
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

function removeOwner(
uint64 spaceId,
address owner,
uint64 nonce,
uint64 actionTimeout,
string calldata approveExpression,
string calldata rejectExpression
) external returns (bool) {
return warden.removeSpaceOwner(

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the removeOwner() function:

cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL "removeSpaceOwner(uint64,address,uint64,uint64,string,string)" 1 0xOwnerToRemove 0 100000 "" ""

Query Spaces

To get a list of all Spaces, use the following code in your contract. It calls the spaces() function of the precompile.

function spaces(PageRequest calldata pageRequest) external view returns (Space[] memory spaces, PageResponse memory pageResponse);

contract SpaceQuery {
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

function getAllSpaces(
uint64 limit,
uint64 offset,
bool countTotal
) external view returns (
IWarden.Space[] memory spaces,
uint64 total,
bool hasMore
) {
IWarden.PageRequest memory pageRequest = IWarden.PageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
countTotal: countTotal,
reverse: false

// Corrected the declaration
(IWarden.Space[] memory spacesList, IWarden.PageResponse memory pageResponse) = warden.spaces(pageRequest);

return (
pageResponse.nextKey.length > 0

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the getAllSpaces() function:

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getAllSpaces(uint64,uint64,bool)" 10 0 true --rpc-url $RPC_URL

Query Spaces by owner

To get a list of Spaces by owner, use the following code in your contract. It calls the spacesByOwner() function of the precompile.

function spacesByOwner(PageRequest calldata pageRequest, address owner) external view returns (Space[] memory spaces, PageResponse memory pageResponse);

contract SpaceQuery {
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

function getSpacesByOwner(
address owner,
uint64 limit,
uint64 offset,
bool countTotal
) external view returns (
IWarden.Space[] memory spaces,
uint64 total,
bool hasMore
) {
IWarden.PageRequest memory pageRequest = IWarden.PageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
countTotal: countTotal,
reverse: false

// Corrected the declaration
(IWarden.Space[] memory spacesList, IWarden.PageResponse memory pageResponse) = warden.spacesByOwner(pageRequest, owner);

return (
pageResponse.nextKey.length > 0

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the spacesByOwner() function:

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getSpacesByOwner(address,uint64,uint64,bool)" 0x6ea8ac1673402989e7b653ae4e83b54173719c30 10 0 true --rpc-url $RPC_URL

Query a Space by ID

To get a Space by ID, use the following code in your contract. It calls the spaceById() function of the precompile.

function spaceById(uint64 id) external view returns (Space memory space);

contract SpaceQuery {
address constant WARDEN_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000900;
IWarden public warden;

constructor() {
warden = IWarden(WARDEN_ADDRESS);

function getSpaceById(uint64 id) external view returns (IWarden.Space memory) {
return warden.spaceById(id);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the spaceById() function:

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getSpaceById(uint64)" 1 --rpc-url $RPC_URL